Water Testing Putnam Valley New York
Our water testing specialists are here to help you with all of your Putnam Valley New York water testing needs. For your convenience we offer you:
- Professional and knowledgable customer service
- Detailed sampling instructions for the most accurate results
- Your water testing results delivered via email with a guide to help you interpret them
- Help troubleshooting
- Certified water testing results
Putnam Valley New York Water Testing Services include:
- Basic Water Testing Profile (includes: coliform bacteria, e. coli bacteria, nitrates, nitrites, color, odor, pH, turbidity, chloride, hardness, sulfates, iron, manganese, sodium, and total chlorine)
- Bacteria (E. Coli & Coliform)
- Radon
- Lead
- Copper
- Arsenic
- Fluoride
- VOC Water Testing (volitile organic chemicals)
- Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon Water Testing
- TPH Water Testing
- Pesticides & Herbisides in Water Testing
Testing your Putnam Valley, New York water can determine if various regular or irregular substances are present in your water and at what levels. A complete report of findings is produced, detailing the results and what they can mean for you and your family.
As a private well owner you are on you own as far as identifying contaminants and treating your drinking water. The EPA suggests that homeowners using well water have their private water source tested every 6 months, since conditions in the water table can sometimes change very rapidly.
While many may consider this to be a little overkill, we suggest that a minimum of one well water test per year is in good order.
Putnam Valley, New York Water Testing Specialists - Call us today and we will help you determine which tests are best suited for your needs 888-558-1574